Friday, March 27, 2015

A little bite about me

Assalamualaikum...Hye dear peeps

Its me.Liza.This is my first post.So lets make it simple....

Who I am?


Hamba Allah dgn Rahmatnya.officeally 19 years old girl.Nama penuh terlalu panjang.Saidfahkuserizza.

Hah susah sebut???

Semua org kata gitu.Tp kalau dah lama kenal senang je menyebutnya.huhu 

Jgn risaulah.saya x mau kawen awak...just kidding.ok tak lawak...

 Currently KMPPians.Physical science.tapi tak lama dah...few weeks left n then chow.baliklah kak

Perak-ians.lahir KL tp rasanya tak bajet kot


 If you want to be my friends I accept you with open heart.Else? I dont mind...

Why ah you dont want to be my friend?
Adakalanya.Dia lebih sibuk dari aku...
 Till then.wassalam



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